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Listen to Your Heart

In Tanzania, one in every 112 children has heart disease, and basic cardiac care is hard to find. Our mission is changing that.

Madeline Island Bike Ride
Join Us Aug 4, 2024!
Because you can ride, they can live.

Across the African continent, basic cardiac care is hard to find, yet 1 in every 112 children has heart disease. We’re trying to change this, starting with Tanzania, and you can help. Join our bike ride to raise money for the Foundation for Cardiac Care in Africa.

We save lives by developing heart care in Africa, especially for children and young adults living in poverty.

Our Initiative

We are helping KCMC hospital in Northern Tanzania build a comprehensive cardiovascular center to serve 15 million people.

Currently there are no cardiac specialists in this region of Tanzania. Children and young adults are hardest hit, as they are the populations most affected by heart disease in Tanzania. 

Many who desperately need care are unable to access it.


Our Goals

KCMC’s goal is to provide quality cardiac care for those who need it in their region, but also to become a cardiac specialty training center for clinicians in East and Southern Africa.

There are just a few cardiac training centers in Africa now, and no clear way for African countries to rapidly develop cardiac care for their people.

Our goal at FCCA is to support KCMC and two additional new or expanded cardiac training programs in Africa, to catalyze a more rapid scale-up of care.

With your help, FCCA and partners will save thousands of lives. Our goal is to catalyze a movement to develop cardiac care across Africa.

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